Friday, September 11, 2009


Network security is very important these days. There are some simple online based tests that can tell you if you have certain security flaws on your computer. Some very useful ones can be found at One of the most popular is the ShieldsUP! test that tests various ports.

So yesterday I ran the ShieldsUP! tests at I tested it on 3 of my computers and they all passed all of the tests with complete stealth. I always make sure that NetBIOS is disabled because of the security risks. Two of the PCs I tested simply had the default Windows firewall (Windows 7 RTM). I have used this test many times before but needed to take a screen shot for my IS 181 class. is a very good site to test your PCs security.

I would recommend everyone to run at least the network sharing test at The average PC security would greatly increase as more people are aware of how open their computer may actually be.

Without your knowledge or explicit permission, the Windows networking technology which connects your computer to the Internet may be offering some or all of your computer's data to the entire world at this very moment!

Friday, September 4, 2009

Learning Model

Doctrine and Covenants Section 88:78-80


    Learning and teaching at LDS Business College is a distinctive process shared by students and teachers who follow a Learning Model based on scriptural principles and prophetic counsel to guide their actions and move them to a higher level of learning. The learning model is a great tool for use for almost any application. Learning and gaining knowledge and the Spirit become easier as this model is followed.

Apply It

    Applying the learning model is very simple. First you must prepare. Read the chapters assigned and complete preparation tasks to prepare you to participate in class discussion and group work. Next you must Teach One Another. Engage in meaningful learning experiences individually and in groups to help you understand concepts and develop skills. The next step in this model is very important. It is to ponder. Think about how you can apply the concepts you have learned and how that secular knowledge integrates with gospel truth in order to internalize those concepts. And then lastly you need to prove. Demonstrate your understanding of the concepts and the skills you have developed by completing assessment tasks to achieve the outcomes.

My First Blog

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